Recents in Beach

Tafseer of Surah Yusuf - Introduction Part 3 The Siblings by Nouman Ali Khan #3

These are the notes and important takeaways from tafseer of Surah Yusuf - introduction part 3 The Siblings, which is a lecture given by Nouman Ali Khan. Here he compares and contrasts the siblings of Yusuf (a.s) i.e. his brothers and the sibling of Musa (a.s) i.e. his sister.

Fun Parts: 36:58, 39:47, 52:32

Why siblings are important to analyse: “For sure in Yusuf (a.s) and his siblings are signs for seekers".

Siblings Comparison
Yusuf (a.s)’s Siblings
Musa (a.s)’s Siblings
Brothers of Yusuf
Sister of Musa
Brothers leave the house
Sister leaves the house
To get rid of him
To retrieve him 
Brothers Abandon
Sister refuses to abandon
Brothers cause separation
Sister causes reunion
Brothers violate trust
Sister upholds trust
Brothers tell a creative story
Sister tells a creative story
Brothers talk back 
Sister obeys quietly
Brothers have no clue what's coming
Pharaoh has no clue what’s coming. 
In the later part of the story, brothers are told by the father to tread carefully in Egypt
Sister doesn’t have to be told to tread carefully.
Holds scarred memory and opinions of his brothers
Holds high opinion of his siblings
(Haroon (a.s))
In the brothers’ head they are doing the right thing. They become delusional and think they are doing a favour to their father.

Brothers left him in a well and walked away. Sister follows the basket until it enters the palace. She didn’t walk away and kept waiting until the wet nurses came.

Allah (s.w.t) shows us that even prophets (a.s) are not immune to trials in the family. We can be given a family that becomes the cause for blessings in the family, saving and protecting that family and sometimes our biggest troubles can be in the family. 

 Brothers came back with animal blood on the shirt but the dad knows them. The sister tells a creative story about her own family (to the wet nurses). I know people who live in a house and they can take care of him. Brothers of yusuf (a.s) said “we mean well for him: nasihoon” and when the sister talked to them she said “I know of a family that can take care of him, la nasihoon”. Exact same words used. She doesn’t speak directly but creates a story. Sister tells the story so they get united and brothers tell the story so they get separated. Her creative story did not involve lying, but in case of brothers it did.

Brothers talk back and convince the father to let the son go with them. When the mother asks her daughter to follow him, she doesn't say how, why , but obeys quietly. Mom says the wrong thing, but the girl understands it and does the right job. (wrong word came out of desperation: follow step by step, which is not possible, but the intended meaning was to not lose sight of the baby). Children need to understand that they need not pick at the faults of their parents and understand the point they are making.

Allah (s.w.t) tells yusuf (a.s) that you will be telling them what they have done to you and they have no idea. They have no clue that the one they schemed against will backfire and will receive the embarrassment. Similarly, the Pharaoh has no idea who he just picked up. His plan to kill all the babies is gonna backfire and he has no idea. And profoundly the same wordings are used in telling both the ends: wahum la yashoroon. Sometimes you are helpless against the people who scheme against you. They think what a helpless person is going to do in response to this. Allah (s.w.t) has a plan for the weak that the oppressor doesn't know how to counter.

Comparison of the Journey of Yusuf (a.s) and Musa (a.s)
Yusuf (a.s)
Musa (a.s)
Dropped in a well and risk of drowning 
Dropped in a river and risk of drowning 
Someone will come to him (well water not
moving) and word used for retrieve (Iltiqaad)
He will come to someone (river water is
moving) and word used for retrieve (Iltiqaad)
Ends in the Egyptian palace
Ends in the Egyptian palace
Influential man has him (minister)
Influential woman has him (wife of pharoah)
Husband instructs wife to keep him
Wife requests husband to keep him
Minister gives two options to his wife: Service
or adoption (Villain is being given two
options) with exactly the same words in
Surah Yusuf and Surah Qasas
The Queen offered two options to her
husband: Service or adoption (Villain is being
given two options) with exactly the same
words in Surah Yusuf and Surah Qasas
Final Decision: Service
Final Decision: Adoption
Expected decision seemed to be adoption (as
the minister loved him and liked him)
Expected decision seemed to be service (as
Firoun was killing the israelites) (1.)
She (villain) has a misguided love for him.
He (villain) has a guided love for him. (2.)
Villain threatened him with jail due to toxic
love. (wants you to disobey Allah(s.w.t))
Villain threatened him with jail due to guided
love. (wants you to disbelief in Allah(s.w.t))
The aggressor is the one who loves him
The aggressor is the one who loves him
Raised—in a negative envrionment—without a
spiritual mentor but only has
the memory of his father.
Raised—in a negative envrionment—with
two spiritual mentors: Pharaoh's wife
and her mother.
They both say that follow my way and you won’t go to jail. One wants you to take an action against Allah (s.w.t) and one wants you to take the belief out of your heart. One is calling for Allah’s disobedience inside the heart and one through the actions. "Nut fath" is both things: what we have in our hearts and in our actions. Shows that Eimaan is both of those things: heart and actions. To Allah(s.w.t) your prayer is your Eimaan: Surah Qiyamah- neither did he confirm the truth nor did he pray. Also, threat sometimes succeeds (Yusuf (a.s)’s case) and sometimes it doesn’t (Musa(a.s)’s case). 

Sometimes people close to us may threaten our loyalty to Allah (s.w.t). They will propel you to disobey Allah (s.w.t) because you love them.

(1.) Things don’t turn out to be the way we expect.
(2.) Allah (s.w.t) put love in the heart of the Pharaoh though he hated israelites.

Comparison of the test of these young men ( Yusuf (a.s) and Musa (a.s) )
Yusuf (a.s)
Musa (a.s)
Is granted wisdom (first) and knowledge
(second)  in his teen years
Is granted wisdom (first) and knowledge
(second)  in his teen years
Is a Muhsin (someone who excels) (3.)
Is a Muhsin 
Trail (exceptional looks)
Trail (exceptional strength)
The next ayah after the ayah of youth is
that of trail.
The next ayah after the ayah of youth is
that of trail.
Trail happens indoor in seclusion
(woman invites for zina)
Trail happens outdoor yet in seclusion
(one guard torturing the israelites)
Trail by someone of a higher status
(due to her influence)(4.)
Trail by someone of a lower status
(propelled him through emotions)
She commands him to hurry
He begs him so he hurries (5.)
Trail of adultery
Trial of Murder
Seeks Allah’s refuge before
Seeks Allah’s forgiveness after
He says “wrongdoers won’t succeed”
He says “I wronged myself forgive me”
He says “my master has been good to me”
He says “I won’t be a support for the
Runs from the aggressor 
Runs towards the aggressor 
Interprets the speech (he could deconstruct
that “Haitalaq” and see what's the intention
behind it correctly.) His strength is
interpreting all kinds of speech correctly (not
just dream)
Misinterprets the speech (he wasn’t able to
interpret what was going on and falls into the
trap of hurriedness and impulsiveness)
Loyal to the master
Loyal to the enslaved
Continued Later .......

(3.) These gifts are not special to prophets (a.s) but anyone who tries to excel and keep Allah (s.w.t) presence before them will be given wisdom (give them the strength to make better choices) and knowledge. Ex- Nouman Ali khan learned Arabic through the help of Allah (s.w.t) as he wanted to excel though he was not good in studies.
(4.) Both types of trails are contrasted : trail through influence and trial through emotions.
(5.) Hurrying and rushing is from the work of the devil. You didn’t analyse the whole situation and you just jumped in, even though you had good intentions. Rushing without understanding the parameters is from the work of the devil.

When we think of young people they have knowledge, but wisdom comes with age. Making wise choices as a teen like what games to play? What to eat? etc. are very difficult even if they are smart in school, but Yusuf (a.s) was very special. Knowledge came from the surroundings—an environment where the minister would discuss affairs with governors, scholars would come, so he was getting international education there, as a servant. 

Exact same wording used to describe the above qualities of both the prophets (a.s). Only extra word is in Surah Qasas, musa (a.s)’s quality of exceptional strength is mentioned.

Tried because of his looks and one tried because of his strengths.

One wants to hurry out of evil intentions and the other one hurries out of good intent, but hurrying itself is a problem regardless. Analyse first and then take action. Before I raise my tongue against someone else or hand against someone else let me analyse the situation. Also, every case is special so you don’t get to generalize that particular case of the guard beating the israelite. The Prophet (s.a.w) himself gave different answers to the same question when different persons asked.

Allah (s.w.t) says don’t come near zina and don’t kill a person. He put them next to each other. (SURAH ISRA) 

Allah (s.w.t) also says that (SURAH FURQAAN) they don’t kill and they don’t do zina. He flips it here. These are the two major sins, one is taking off the physical body and the other one is killing someone spiritually. The Prophet (s.a.w) said that if you don’t have haya do whatever you want. 
One is crime against yourself and Allah (s.w.t) and one is the crime against humanity.

What to do when you catch yourself heading towards haraam, be like yousuf (a.s) and but when you commit something wrong immediately be like Musa (a.s) and ask for forgiveness. 

We are learning that my master has been good to me so I am loyal to him and even if my own people are doing bad, I won’t be loyal to them. Loyalty does not come from just being with people.

Surah Yusuf

Surah Qasas

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